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The mission was to design a payload that descended from 400-800 to the ground with human survivability. The restriction for the task is there can be no stationary drag component like a streamer or parachute. The chosen design to fulfill the given requirements was a gyrocopter. The gyrocopter has 8 shaped blades that will spin on a bearing which creates lift. This design has many size and durability constraints that go along with the efficiency of the performance. 

Fall Quarter- Analysis 

Winter Quarter: Working Device

Figure 1: Gyrocopter Design 


Figure 2- Test #1: Aluminum Bracket Durability

Table 1- Test #2: Upper Body Deflection Test 

Table 2- Test #3- Wing Deflection Test


Overall the project was very precise but could be more accurate. If time was permitting the project needed to become more accurate. The data that was given was consistent but was slightly off of the original calculated data. Some innovated is needed to not only have the project be precise but also accurate. The project was overall valid but could be more refined to ensure a better outcome in one specific area which was the mount of the wings. During all the test flights and basic testing it showed that the weak point was the mounting bracket of wing. As the project went on the mounting bracket and system got substantially better but due to time and resources it could only get to a certain point.  

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